Your Cargosnap app is the tool to record data from your operations! To start taking pictures, we'll walk you through how to start taking your first snap!
Step 1: Identify your reference. Your top widget is the tool to scan, type or select a reference; this can either be a container number, barcode or several other options.
Click on the widget; this starts your camera for scanning or shows a keyboard for typing your reference.
The tool that better suits your operation's reference is set on your device's Team settings. (Read more here).
Step 2: On your bottom widget, you'll have the tools to record your operations. As the first option, you'll have the list of workflows available to your Team. You may also have a serial snapper widget by swiping from right to left. Click on the Photo widget and take a snap of your cargo, transportation equipment, or whatever you want to record on your operation.
Step 3: By opening the serial snapper, you can take as many snaps you want, and/or click on the top right dropdown to select a specific type of damage in case you want to signalize it on your record. If you can't find your type of damage, let us know and we can change the select options for you.
Now press SAVE and you're done! The reference stays in place in case you need to make more photos. You can just keep on going and snap as much as you need. Or you can use one of the other widgets, such as scanning a document, filling in a form, or executing a workflow, being able to combine these different tools in a standardized process.
Your snaps are now uploaded to the Platform! On the dashboard you will see the various cards with data appearing, and in the “Files” page (click Files on your top menu), you will see an overview of the various inspections that took place:
Clicking on one of the file references will take you to that specific file, where you can review your operation records in a timeline and share it!
What's Next?
View the snaps in your files with all the data you collected
Share the file or snap to your colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders 😉