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Share your file

A Cargosnap "Share" is the most powerful way to get others to see what you are seeing. Share your files with anyone in just one click.

Updated over a month ago

A Cargosnap "share" is essentially a specific file in your account, which you then Share with someone else; even if that person does not have a Cargosnap account and is outside your own organization.

A share is intended to give your customers, or partners the insight they need. It is better than a report (like a PDF), as it is dynamic, searchable and always available.

Let's see how that works!

Create a share

In order to share a file, open the file you would like to share and click "Share file". 

This will open a dialog window allowing you to include some more information into the share:


  • Recipients: Fill in the e-mail addresses of the recipients. If you want to send it to different groups in one go, select your Contact list by clicking '@' on the right.

  • Subject: The Subject will be used to notify the recipient by email. (To save time, you may even customize what this looks like, automatically!)

  • Customer reference: this is an optional field, but really potent: it allows you to give the reference that is used by your customer to the file, allowing the customer to find the file using their own reference!

  • Add a comment for your customer to see, if necessary.

  • Send me a CC, Allow ZIP/PDF download and Expiry date field give some more self-descriptive options.

Important: the recipient is able to create a free viewing account allowing them to view your shared files in a more organized and optimized way. This is one of our popular features, read this article to read more.

What is included in the share?

Any snap, form or document can be included or excluded from the shared file. You can do so by activating or deactivating the sharing icon in bottom right corner. The receiver will only see the selected items. Note that this selection toggle is valid for all shares on a particular file.

Want to know what your Share recipient is seeing? In the "Active shares" section, click the eye icon in the list. That will open a browser view of your share.

Advanced - Default sharing options

You can select what items are available by default for sharing by default (requires "SuperAdmin" privilege). In Company Settings -> General, find the "New uploads of type..." area as:

Here you can select the 3 options to do the following by default (per above, you can always select/unselect individual items):

  • Snaps: will share all snaps by default

  • Snaps with damage: will allow you to choose if you want to share or not share images with damage

  • Documents: share document scans (or not)

Note that you can also select the default for sharing forms, which can be done in the "Advanced settings" of each Form:

More reading about shares:

  • Share to different groups of people in one go with DL Share

  • Even automatically notifying others with zero effort! (see this article)

  • Customize the page with your logo on it (see this article)

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