Step 1: Install the Cargosnap app
Take your Apple or Android device and open the Apple iOS Store or the Android Google Play Store, and download and install Cargosnap.
Step 2: Add a device
Creating a new device on the platform is your next step. For that, you need to be a logged user and your role must be Manager or Admin (For Roles and Permissions, read this article).
Click on your company's name to view the settings menu;
Click on "Teams, devices en users"
Click “Devices” and then select the "+" symbol.
If you run multiple teams, select the team where you want to add a device first. For a new device, you are required to supply a “nick” - a friendly name that you can use to recognize the device, like Joe, Kevin, or Mercedes; or even a proper device identification in the operation, like DOCK 01. Just supply a unique name and click “Create”.
There are two ways to register a device: a QR code and an e-mail invitation.
The QR code is a super fast and easy way, especially when you have the device with you at the time of registration.
The e-mail comes in handy when the app user is in a remote location.
Registering with a QR code:
On the newly installed app, start the app and tap “Join my company” and then a QR code reader comes up. Aim the phone’s camera at the computer screen containing the QR code. As the camera focuses, the QR code will be used to register the Device on the Platform. The platform will confirm by showing a confirmation on a successful registration:
Registering through e-mail:
Fill in the e-mail address of the remote user (e.g. a truck driver at a remote site). The remote user will receive a specially formed e-mail from us, containing a button that will automatically trigger the registration of the app on their Android or iOS device. Note, in the case the user has not installed Cargosnap yet, rather than registration, the button will direct the user to the respective app store to first install the app.
Simple: just tap the button!
Complete registration and edit settings
This will complete the registration of the app: it's immediately ready for use!
The app will start up with the settings according to the team it has been added to. The device is now ready to be used. In the device list, you can manage this device by renaming it, changing its team, deactivating and activating again (in case of changing the phone/tablet) or even deleting it.
What's Next?
Invite your colleagues to work together more efficiently
Manage the widgets on the devices