The “Cargosnap inspection link” makes it really easy to ask someone in your team or organisation to perform a specific inspection by crafting a URL (link) that pre-defines the specific widgets to use, as well as the reference to store the inspection under.
It allows starting the app in a state where a specific top-widget is shown (with an optional prefilled reference) and an optional bottom-widget.
In order to use the link, all you need to do is present a Cargosnap app user with a link (URL) shaped in the following way:[A]&top=[B]&bottom=[C]
where you need to replace the square bracket placeholders with values for the corresponding component:
[A]: reference (optional): the code to pre-fill the top widget value with
[B]: top (required): Reference to a top-widget. Possible values: keyboard, barcode, license_eu, timestamp, number, notafiscal. Currently not supported: container and license_br
[C]: bottom (required): Reference to a bottom-widget. Possible values: snap, document, workflows, forms, video, serial%20snapper (note: %20 is required), serialbarcode
Start a workflow
If you want to start a specific workflow, that is possible also. In this case you need to provide the specific workflow ID like:[A]&top=[B]&bottom=workflows&workflow_id=[D]
The workflow ID ([D]) can be found by selecting the specific workflow. Navigate in the topbar to 'Workflows' and click the workflow you'd like to select. Now take the reference ID from the URL:
If you want Cargosnap to close after completing the workflow (so the app calling Cargosnap can take over again), include another parameter: minimizeonfinish=true. Note this feature is only available on Android devices (on iOS, users need to terminate/switch manually).
Include the team/location scope
As your device may be registered under multiple accounts, it is a good practise to include the specific teams scope the device works under. That can be done by including the query parameter "team_id" ([E]), like for example: &team_id=1
The number to use corresponds to the number that's shown in the URL, at the end, when you click the location in the overview:
This thus would resolve in the following link:[A]&top=[B]&bottom=workflows&workflow_id=[D]&team_id=[E]
Test URL:
App version:
This feature is available on app version V3.0.24 and higher.
Demo video:
Developers, build in this deeplink into your own code! Read up in the Cargosnap developers documentation how to do so.