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How to use Teams to manage sites, teams, or customer-specific operations
How to use Teams to manage sites, teams, or customer-specific operations

Organisations can be complex. Are you a multi-site operator, or do you have teams dedicated to certain activities? Read on

Updated over a week ago

Some workflows are specific to one location or one customer. How to then present it to the right employees? Well, this is one of the use cases of "Teams": it allows you to group devices and users into groups that handle the same scope of work. They share settings, but you can also set up the permissions in such a way that they only see their own -relevant- files in the platform.

Set up a new Team

Note: you need to be a SuperAdmin or LicenseAdmin to do this.

  1. Navigate to your company's name in the upper right corner and select 'Teams, Devices, and Users:

  2. Select the button '+ Create new team'

  3. Give the new Team a name, representing the physical location of the site or the name of the team working on the same activity.

You can also select a default language setting for the site:

3. Click "Create" and that's it, you added a Team! Now you can proceed to add devices and users and when you do, you may select this new Team.

Where to go from here:

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