How to remove a user

People change jobs, move on. We will miss them on the platform, but you best remove them from your user list. Here's how

Updated over a week ago

Note: in order to remove a user, you need to be either:

  • A "manager" of the site of the user you want to remove

  • Or a "superAdmin"

Removing users is as simple as adding them:

  1. In the upper right corner click on your company name and navigate to Users

  2. Then, locate the user you would like to remove

  3. Click their user name

  4. Hit the Delete button:

Should you learn you removed the user and ... regret it somehow? Do not worry, you may even restore the user yourself.

Permanently delete a user

As you can see, we allow restoring a user. This means the user is not 'actually gone'. But if you do want the user to be permanently deleted (e.g. no reference to a name and email, for compliance reasons or you want to re-use the email address for another user), then follow these steps:

1. Open the Users list via the settings in the upper right corner of the platform

2. Click the "Show deleted users" checkbox:

3. Now, you will see the users that have been deleted. Select the user you wish to permanently remove from our database and click "Delete permanently"

Please note that this is permanent and thus totally irreversible.

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