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The Cargosnap app
What you CAN and CAN'T do with the CargoSnap app
What you CAN and CAN'T do with the CargoSnap app

Do you know what you CAN and what you CANNOT do with our App? Well, we're here to clarify it for you!

Updated over a week ago

The CargoSnap solution is very resourceful, and you have to bear in mind that both platform and app work together as a team! And there are things you do on the platform and others, just with the app!

Here's what you CAN and what you CAN NOT do with our CargoSnap app:


✓ Take photos;

✓ Record videos;

✓ Fill forms;

✓ Scan containers, seals, plates, barcodes, and documents;

✓ Use it offline;

Basically, with the app, you can COLLECT DATA. That and only that.


✕ Upload from the gallery;

✕ Check the content from files uploaded;

✕ Re-order steps from a workflow;

✕ Create new steps to a workflow;

✕ Pull request data from WMS/TMS/ERP

✕ Finish/continue a workflow started on a different device;

But, not everything is lost...

The beauty of our solution is how well the app and the platform work together for you to get the most out of it! All items listed as "CAN NOT DO" from the app, you can do it from the platform! Click here to access the platform and explore more!

To download the app, please follow the links below:

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