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Using the QR-to-Field solution
Using the QR-to-Field solution

Sometimes you need to get certain information from your system loaded into CargoSnap. API's are great for it, but there is another easy way.

Updated over a week ago

Use a QR code to read information into CargoSnap; fill in multiple fields in one scan action.

Warning: this is fairly advanced as your system needs to generate a specifically formatted QR code (so this cannot be used on "any" code, but you must program to this format). The QR code format is a "JSON array of key/value pairs". 

Let's clarify with an example. Suppose in a particular process you want to store two pieces of information:

  • the "product" (for fruit, you could imagine values like apple, lemon, strawberry)

  • the "producer" (e.g. Lemoni Inc.)

Then you would form a JSON string such as:

   {"name":"product", "value":"lemons"},
   {"name":"producer","value":"Lemoni Inc."}

This string needs to be parsed as a QR code (tip: omit all formatting when you do so!). See the actual QR code of this example (note: this link will open an external site, showing the QR code and the build-up of the data).

In order to use the solution, follow these 4 steps:

  1. Create the field(s) in which the data should go. In this case, you would create two fields with the type "text" and give them the names "product" and "producer" respectively (note: these fields are case sensitive, hence this example is all lower case). See also article Creating Fields.

  2. Create a workflow, containing the "QR to Tag" widget. Do not forget to save the workflow. See also the article Build your Workflow.

  3. Reload app settings (in the app, open the menu, under "Advanced", you will find the "Reload settings" button).

  4. Scan a file reference and perform your workflow containing the QR code widget; where you scan the QR code as in our example. Now the fields will show up in your file, showing the intended values!

Pretty cool, isn't is? It is a cost effective solution to transferring information from one system into CargoSnap, and from CargoSnap you can easily take it to other solutions!

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